Fashion Coach

6 styling mistakes that harm your health

Our stylistic choices – γυναικεία ρούχα – are determined by many factors. Fashion, trends, personal taste, etc. However, great importance must also be given to comfort and practicality. Many times we sacrifice the last two on the altar of aesthetics. Nevertheless, we must at least take care to avoid stylistic mistakes that harm our health by following simple tips.

You wear very tight clothes

Tight and fitted clothes may be sexy and flattering, but there is a limit to how tight they should be.

For example, the skinny jeans we love so much can cause problems with blood circulation, muscles, digestive system and create swelling. The same goes for very tight shirts.

Apart from the unsightly part of the gaps between the buttons that expose our body, they can cause breathing problems.

You don’t pay attention to the material of your underwear

Underwear is an essential part of our clothing. Lace and satin may look better and synthetic materials may be cheaper, but the priority should be different.

We should choose cotton underwear in our daily life or at least for most of the day. Synthetic materials do not absorb moisture well, trapping it, increasing the chances of an infection or even fungus.

Especially now in the summer when the heat factor is even more intense, we have to be doubly careful. Of course, in this case too, it is true that very tight underwear does not favor the proper functioning of the body.

Wrong choice of bra

Every woman has a different body and, consequently, different needs. For example, choosing a bra should be based on your breast size and not just on the designs you like. Women with large breasts need a lot of support.

For this reason, it is good to prefer a full cup bra. If you don’t choose the right bra, you are likely to face back and neck pain.

Also, another thing to pay attention to in the bra is the correct fit on the back. Adjust your braces properly so you don’t have problems with shoulder pain.

High heels

We all know how feminine and sexy heels are. However, using them for long hours is not the wisest choice we can make.

It is known that high heels can cause several problems such as foot, lower back and back pain, calluses, strain on the Achilles tendon, bunions and more. Try to avoid them, therefore, in appearances that will last a long time.

I’m sure you’ve heard it again, walking in high heels is the worst thing for your feet. The reason is that the weight of the body falls forward, since you press on the toes and thus put force backwards and all this pressure affects the spine.

Unfortunately the results of this pressure can be seen after a while (cramps, pain in the legs and waist) but luckily there are also low heels – which are also very fashionable – to prefer them.

Oversized bags

Yes yes, I know we here have told you how big the trend is for oversized bags in 2022. However, that doesn’t mean you have to load them up with unnecessary items. The extra weight will cause pain in your shoulders and back. Choose your favorite oversized bag, but don’t overload it.

Yes, the bigger the bag, the more stuff it can hold. But because you usually hold these bags on your side, stress is put on the muscles causing them to be unbalanced (for example, one shoulder being higher than the other).

But there are worse: The heavy bag can cause pain in the neck, shoulders and spine.

The solution: a few days a week leave the big bag and prefer a small, light purse.

Flip flops

It’s summer and the use of flip flops as a staple shoe is almost universal. It is an easy shoe and suits the relaxed mood we have at the moment. However, there are several reasons not to wear flip-flops every day and for long hours.

Stylistically it is something that all fashion connoisseurs hate. Beyond that, however, flip-flops don’t offer your foot the support and stability it needs. They are flat, not anatomically designed, do not absorb shocks and cause many injuries.

These are the most basic stylistic mistakes that we all make that harm our health. It would be good, therefore, to try to limit them.

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